02 September, 2007

100 Things, part II: 14-26

14. I love both Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond. I would go see either of them in concert in a heartbeat (and may be planning a Vegas jaunt to coincide with a Barry concert there)
15. I know all the words to American Pie (the song, not the movie)
16. While I saw The Grateful Dead about 18 times, there was one year where I saw God Street Wine over 25 times.
17. I love music, but can't stand rap, heavy metal, or that new-fangled pop music they call "country"
18. I can still speak a teeny amount of Thai
19. I once wrote a letter to the head of a Buddhist monastery in Thailand, asking what I needed to do to join their group (all the monks were foreigners at this particular monastery)
20. I sleep on a water pillow
21. While I typically drink my (drip) coffee with just a touch of cream, I wouldn't THINK about drinking 100% Kona coffee any other way but BLACK.
22. The first time I visit a Thai restaurant I will always order the Phad Thai - it's a good benchmark to see how good / authentic / Americanized their dishes are.
23. I've been a vegetarian for 12 years.
24. I've had my looks compared to Johnny Depp numerous times (though now without the chin/shoulder length hair the comparisons may stop)
25. After clipping my nails, I always use an emmory board to smooth out the sharp edges
26. The last time I took a typing speed test, I scored above 90 words per minute.

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