02 September, 2007

100 things you may not know about me (part I)

In lieu of not having anything interesting to write, I thought perhaps I'd entertain you, dear readers, with a list of oddities about myself you may not know. Yes, blogging is just a tad self-centered, isn't it?

1. I was the lead singer for a rock band in Thailand, singing 6 nights/week
2. Many people have favorite drinks. I never had one. I'd switch from jack & coke to whiskey sodas to gin & tonic to Margarita to Manhattan to beers & shots to vodka sodas.... just for GOD sake DON'T put fruit in it (unless it's a VO & soda, then there'd better be a WEDGE of lemon - not a "slice," a wedge, thankyouverymuch)
3. I got freestyle Frisbee training from a world-champion freestyler.
4. Though it's a kids book, I have re-read A Wrinkle in Time numerous times in the past 8 years.
5. I have album credit as backup vocalist on a CD from a band whose music was featured on The OC a number of times
6. Though I only saw the first season, I really really really didn't like 24.
7. I do not own a TV.
8. I am right-handed, but until I was in college I could only throw a Frisbee with my left hand.
9. I worked as a bartender weeks after turning 18 (the legal age for serving alcohol in NJ)
10. When I was 3 I was playing "Superman" and banged my lip on my grandmother's coffee table. There is still a scar on both the coffee table and my lip.
11. I feel guilty every time I buy a pair of shoes, or a belt, made of leather.
12. My favorite fruit is the ngok (available all over the place in Thailand during the summer)
13. I'm deathly afraid of tunnels.

I'm tired. That's it for now... next installment tomorrow (or soon)....

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